Monday, May 31, 2010

What's the Matter with Israel?

I don't even know how to say it properly. This is retarded. This is horribly retarded. I've already posted my humble opinion on Israeli policy, and I now see that the problem is worse, much worse, than I'd originally thought. They're just not serious about any of it. They're not serious about punishing the terrorists - not when they're trading 1150 prisoners for 3 soldiers and 65 prisoners for the remains of one dead soldier. Worse, they're not serious about peace, international law, or securing real living conditions for their neighbors, the Palestinians (after all, what could be better for your stability than to be right next door to a madhouse of poverty and extremism?), as can obviously be seen by this knuckleheaded raid on the Freedom Flotilla, in addition to ruining Biden's visit by announcing more construction in the West Bank.

I'm not saying this because I'm particularly sympathetic to the Palestinians, who, had they been rational and not insane in 1948, could've ended up with a state occupying up to 3/4ths of what is now Israel. I'm not saying this because I'm particularly sympathetic to the Freedom Flotilla, a collection of morons who thought the Gaza Strip (a great name for a strip club, now that I think about it) would be an ideal spot for a summer holiday and who thought that attacking fucking Israeli commandos with crowbars would be a good idea. I'm not sympathetic to them at all, the damn idiots. Who am I sympathetic to? The portion of Israelis who are reasonable, who want to live their damn lives without the two camps of extremist nutjobs blowing everything around them up, who don't think religious promises from thousands of years ago trump international conventions and common sense.

In any case, what does Israel even want to do? It has four options: go on some sort of genocidal rampage against the Palestinians; become an apartheid state on the shining South African model (it's even partially taken this option already, which is frightening); keep the status quo by doing nothing worthwhile at all and bleed credibility and strength while making sure that birthrate disparities generate an increasingly large, angry, impoverished, and desperate mob aligned against them; or drop the idiotic and racist pretense of "the Jewish State", withdraw from the West Bank, and become a proper damn republic. What we need is an Israeli F. W. De Klerk or Charles De Gaulle, some politician who understands the sheer danger that Israel is putting itself in and engineering, from the top down if necessary, a real end to the madness in the region. And if the nutjobs in the West Bank want to stay, well, they're free to discuss it with the Palestinians.

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